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Legal Notices

Notice of Determination: Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the school corporation known as New Palestine Community Schools that the Board of School Trustees ("the Board") did, November 6th make a determination to issue bonds for renovations and improvements to facilities across the school corporation. Please click here for Notice of Determination details.

Notice of Adoption of Preliminary Determination: Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the school corporation known as New Palestine Community Schools that the Board of School Trustees ("the Board") did, October 28th, 2024 make a preliminary determination to issue bonds for renovations and improvements to facilities across the school corporation. Please click here for Preliminary Determination details.

Public Meeting Notice - Ratification: Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the school corporation known as Community
School Corporation of Southern Hancock County (the "School Corporation") that the Board of School Trustees (the "Board") of the School Corporation will meet at 4711 South 500 West, New Palestine, Indiana, at the hour of 6:30 p.m. (Local Time) on October 28, 2024, to hear public comment regarding the ratification of the tentative teacher collective bargaining agreement. Please click here for public meeting notice details.

Notice to Taxpayers of Additional Appropriation: Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the school corporation known as Community
School Corporation of Southern Hancock County (the "School Corporation") that the Board of School Trustees (the "Board") of the School Corporation will meet at 4711 South 500 West, New Palestine, Indiana, at the hour of 6:30 p.m. (Local Time) on October 28, 2024, to consider the following additional appropriation of the bonds (the "Bonds") which the Board has determined to issue. Please click here to see the full notice

NPHS Participates in the IDOH Youth Tobacco Survey.  This year’s date is November 20, 2024.  For more information please visit  Students and parents have to opportunity to opt out using this link

Public Meeting Notice - Tentative Agreement: Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the school corporation known as New Palestine Community Schools (the "School Corporation") that the Board of School Trustees (the "Board") of the School Corporation will meet at 4711 South 500 West, New Palestine, Indiana, at the hour of 6:30 p.m. (Local Time) on October 14, 2024, to discuss the terms of the tentative agreement of the teacher collective bargaining agreement. Please click here for full notice. Please click here for tentative agreement.

Notice of Hearings: Please click here for full notice

Public Hearing Notice of 2025 Budget: Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the school corporation known as Community
School Corporation of Southern Hancock County (the "School Corporation") that the Board of School Trustees (the "Board") of the School Corporation will meet at 4711 South 500 West, New Palestine, Indiana, at the hour of 6:30 p.m. (Local Time) on September 30, 2024, to consider the year 2025 budget. Please click here for full notice

Public Hearing Notice of 2025 Capital Project Plan: Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the school corporation known as Community School Corporation of Southern Hancock County (the "School Corporation") that the Board of School Trustees (the "Board") of the School Corporation will meet at 4711 South 500 West, New Palestine, Indiana, at the hour of 6:30 p.m. (Local Time) on September 30, 2024, to consider the year 2025 proposed Capital Projects Plan pursuant to IC 20-40-18-6. Please click here for full notice

Public Hearing Notice of Bus Replacement Plan: Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the school corporation known as Community
School Corporation of Southern Hancock County (the "School Corporation") that the Board of School Trustees (the "Board") of the School Corporation will meet at 4711 South 500 West, New Palestine, Indiana, at the hour of 6:30 p.m. (Local Time) on September 30, 2024, to consider the year 2025 proposed Bus Replacement Plan pursuant to IC 20-40-18. Please click here for full notice

Public Hearing Notice - Prior to Bargainingpursuant to Indiana Code 20-29-6-1(a),  notice is hereby given that an SEA 390 Public Hearing of the New Palestine Classroom Teachers Association and Community School Corporation of Southern Hancock County will occur on September 11, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. They will meet in public session at 4711 South 500 West, New Palestine, IN to discuss and hear public testimony regarding teacher compensation and collective bargaining. Please click here for full notice 

Restraint and Seclusion Plan

Naturalization Examination Results: The district is required by Indiana law to disclose results of New Palestine High School students who take the Naturalization Examination as part of certain Social Studies courses. 120 of 121 students (99.2%) passed the Naturalization Examination in the first semester of the 2023-2024 school year and 100 of 101 students (99.0%) passed in the second semester of the 2023-2024 school year.

Notice of Determination: Pursuant to Indiana Code § 6-1.1-20-5, notice is hereby given that the Board of School Trustees of the Community School Corporation of Southern Hancock County has preliminarily determined to issue bonds in one or more series in the aggregate amount not to exceed
$1,595,000 to fund the proposed renovation of and improvements to facilities throughout the School Corporation, including site improvements and the purchase of equipment, buses and technology. Please click here for full notice

Notice to Taxpayers of Additional Appropriation: Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the school corporation known as Community
School Corporation of Southern Hancock County (the "School Corporation") that the Board of School Trustees (the "Board") of the School Corporation will meet at 4711 South 500 West, New Palestine, Indiana, at the hour of 6:30 p.m. (Local Time) on November 13, 2023, to consider the
following additional appropriation of the bonds (the "Bonds") which the Board has determined to issue. Please click here for full notice

Public Meeting Notice - Ratification: Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the school corporation known as Community
School Corporation of Southern Hancock County (the "School Corporation") that the Board of School Trustees (the "Board") of the School Corporation will meet at 4711 South 500 West, New Palestine, Indiana, at the hour of 6:30 p.m. (Local Time) on October 23, 2023, to hear public comment regarding the ratification of the tentative teacher collective bargaining agreement. Please click here for tentative DRAFT

Notice of Adoption of Preliminary Determination: Notice is hereby given pursuant to Indiana Code § 6-1.1-20-3.1 that the Board of School Trustees (the "Board") of the Community School Corporation of Southern Hancock County (the"School Corporation") did, on October 16, 2023, make a preliminary determination to issue bonds for the renovation of and improvements to facilities throughout the school corporation, including site improvements and the purchase of equipment, buses and technology (the "Project"). Please click here to see full notice

Public Meeting Notice - Tentative Agreement: Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the school corporation known as Community
School Corporation of Southern Hancock County (the "School Corporation") that the Board of School Trustees (the "Board") of the School Corporation will meet at 4711 South 500 West, New Palestine, Indiana, at the hour of 6:30 p.m. (Local Time) on October 16, 2023, to discuss the terms of the tentative agreement of the teacher collective bargaining agreement.

Public Hearing Notice of 2024 Capital Project Plan: Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the school corporation known as Community School Corporation of Southern Hancock County (the "School Corporation") that the Board of School Trustees (the "Board") of the School Corporation will meet at 4711 South 500 West, New Palestine, Indiana, at the hour of 6:30 p.m. (Local Time) on September 25, 2023, to consider the year 2024 proposed Capital Projects Plan pursuant to IC 20-40-18-6. Please click here to see the full notice

Public Hearing Notice of Bus Replacement Plan: Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the school corporation known as Community
School Corporation of Southern Hancock County (the "School Corporation") that the Board of School Trustees (the "Board") of the School Corporation will meet at 4711 South 500 West, New Palestine, Indiana, at the hour of 6:30 p.m. (Local Time) on September 25, 2023, to consider the year 2024 proposed Bus Replacement Plan pursuant to IC 20-40-18. Please click here to see the full notice

Public Hearing Notice of 2024 Budget: Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the school corporation known as Community
School Corporation of Southern Hancock County (the "School Corporation") that the Board of School Trustees (the "Board") of the School Corporation will meet at 4711 South 500 West, New Palestine, Indiana, at the hour of 6:30 p.m. (Local Time) on September 25, 2023, to consider the year 2024 budget. Please click here to see the full notice

Public Hearing Notice - Improvements and Purchase of Equipment and Technology: pursuant to Indiana Code § 20-26-7-37 and Indiana Code § 6-1.1-20-3.1, notice is hereby given that the Board of School Trustees (the "Board") of the Community School Corporation of Southern Hancock County will meet at 6:30 p.m. on September 25, 2023 and at 6:30 p.m. on October 16, 2023, at 4711 CR 500 West, New Palestine, Indiana to hold public hearings. On September 25, 2023, the Board will hold a public hearing to discuss and hear objections and support regarding the proposed renovation of and improvements to facilities throughout the school corporation, including site improvements and the purchase of equipment and technology (the "Project"). On October 16, 2023, the Board will hold a second public hearing to discuss and hear objections and support regarding the proposed Project and will also consider the adoption of a resolution making a preliminary determination to issue bonds to finance the Project. You are invited to attend and participate in the public hearings.

Public Hearing Notice - Prior to Bargainingpursuant to Indiana Code 20-29-6-1(a),  notice is hereby given that an SEA 390 Public Hearing of the New Palestine Classroom Teachers Association and Community School Corporation of Southern Hancock County will occur on September 13, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. They will meet in public session at 4711 South 500 West, New Palestine, IN to discuss and hear public testimony regarding teacher compensation and collective bargaining.

Notice to Taxpayers of Additional Appropriation: Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the school corporation known as Community
School Corporation of Southern Hancock County (the "School Corporation") that the Board of School Trustees (the "Board") of the School Corporation will meet at 4711 South 500 West, New Palestine, Indiana, at the hour of 6:30 p.m. (Local Time) on April 10, 2023, to consider the following additional appropriation of the bonds (the "Bonds") which the Board has determined to issue. Please click here to see the full notice

Notice of Determination: Pursuant to Indiana Code § 6-1.1-20-5, notice is hereby given that the Board of School Trustees of the Community School Corporation of Southern Hancock County has preliminarily determined to issue bonds in one or more series in the aggregate amount not to exceed $4,000,000 to fund the proposed renovation of and improvements to facilities throughout the School Corporation, including site improvements and athletic improvements throughout the School Corporation and the purchase of equipment, technology and buses.

Public Hearing Notice: Pursuant to Indiana Code §20-26-7-37, the Board of School Trustees of Community School Corporation of Southern Hancock County gives notice that on March 13, 2023, at 6:30 p.m., they will meet in public session at 4711 CR 500 West, New Palestine, Indiana, to discuss and hear objections and support regarding the proposed renovation of and improvements to facilities throughout the School Corporation, including site improvements and athletic improvements throughout the School Corporation and the purchase of equipment, technology and buses. You are invited to attend and participate in the public hearing.

Dyslexia Instructional Information: The district is required by Indiana law to disclose specific data regarding dyslexia. The district uses the Orton-Gillingham Approach and Benchmark K, 1 and 2 for dyslexia interventions. 100 students received dyslexia interventions in the 2022-2023 school year. Ten students in the corporation were identified as having dyslexia.

Reading and Writing Curricula: For grades K-6, the Community School Corporation of Southern Hancock County utilizes Benchmark Advance 2021 as the core curriculum resource for English/Language Arts, including reading and writing instruction.

For remediation purposes, the following programs are utilized as needed:

  • Orton-Gillingham (K-6)

  • Benchmark Booster (K-1)

If you have any questions, please contact Miles Hercamp, Director of Instructional Services (

ESSER Grant Application: In accordance with federal requirements for school corporations receiving ESSER grant money, the district must publish its application for the ESSER grant. Please click here to view the ESSER grant application for CSCSHC.