At New Palestine Community Schools, we pride ourselves as being a leader in the 1:1 educational technology movement. All students K-12 have learning devices that were chosen based upon community, teacher, and student input. During our transition to this new learning environment, New Palestine Schools has been focused on developing student-centered learning experiences.
As one walks the halls of our schools, it becomes evident that New Palestine schools
is the place where best practices intersect with next practices. One will find 4th-grade students creating news reports in front of the green screen at one of our elementary schools, students involved with developing ‘natural disaster’ plans for the community as part of the middle school’s STEM initiative, and students using technology as a part of the entrepreneurial process in the high school. Robotics teams have sprouted everywhere in the district, and students are taking virtual trips to the summit of Mount Everest. Our students are no longer just consumers of information, as they are continually involved in the production of tangible products to an authentic audience. Put simply, our students are taking an active part in their learning.
In order to ensure excellence and appropriate use of these learning tools within this new environment, our teachers and leaders have committed to continual growth and improvement. Technology is always changing, and what’s best is not always the easiest. When looking for this commitment, one needs to look no further than the “Digital Citizenship Certification” from Common Sense Media that the schools have achieved.
New Palestine Community Schools understands the importance of teaching students how to navigate safely in a connected world. We know in order to prepare our students for success in the future they must be taught how to responsibly act on the internet.
At New Palestine Schools, we are constantly evaluating where we are, and how we are doing. We value our stakeholders, and consistently bring them to the table for discussion and input. Our “Community Leadership Academy” invites members of the community to have discussions with and learn from key decision makers in our schools. We host many parent nights related to technology. From our Canvas learning management system to social media and teens, we want our parents to be strong partners in student growth. We’re proud of our schools, and we’re definitely proud of the community we represent. #newpalproud