NPCS Mission
"Through collaboration, we provide an environment in which knowledge and skills are developed so every student will achieve their personal best."
NPCS Vision
"Achieving our personal best in pursuit of excellence."
NPCS Expected Results
The following expected results are how the district measures if our mission and vision have been met. We believe that a New Palestine Community Schools Graduate who meets these expected results will enter the world as a well-rounded citizen with tools to be a successful contributor to society in a number of different ways.
A. Communicate Effectively
The Corporation graduate:
1. reads critically and speaks and writes with clarity;
2. processes, comprehends, and synthesizes information found in a variety of media;
3. actively listens and responds in an appropriate manner
4. uses technology/social media to communicate responsibly.
B. Think Critically
The Corporation graduate:
1. applies research and problem solving skills in diverse contexts to make informed decisions;
2. incorporates mathematical principles and operations in a variety of circumstances to decipher problems;
3. integrates skills related to scientific concepts to analyze and solve world challenges;
4. uses technology to promote creative and critical thinking within challenging scenarios.
C. Respect diversity
The Corporation graduate:
1. demonstrates an understanding and appreciation of world cultures;
2. interacts well and works cooperatively with others;
3. displays an appreciation for aesthetics and the fine arts;
4. participates in school, community, and world programs to improve the quality of life.
D. Practice skills for success
The Corporation graduate:
1. demonstrates skills and values necessary to be productive members of society (i.e. effort, initiative, honesty, citizenship, caring, respect, responsibility, acceptance, motivation, self-discipline, etc.);
2. demonstrates the knowledge and skills necessary to explore and achieve post-secondary education/training and career goals;
3. uses technology appropriately and demonstrates knowledge and skill needed to learn and compete in a digital society;
4. demonstrates knowledge and skills necessary to promote health and wellness.
NPCS Learning Model
As a district, we believe that the student should be at the center of instruction and curriculum. Teachers and administrators at New Palestine Community Schools set out to create a model to illustrate how instructional decisions are made focused on the student.
This model will serve as a unifying force to move our schools and the New Palestine community forward while preparing students for a modern world. This model will guide the creation of a curriculum including consistent, relevant instruction on subjects that matter to our students, which is conducive to increased learning and preparing the student for our future.
The three overarching objectives of this learning model are to create an innovative, connected, and authentic education for our students. Why do we believe that these three qualities are important? We want every student to leave New Palestine prepared for multiple opportunities and to meet any challenge they may face in the workforce or in post-secondary education. We strongly believe that any graduate exhibiting those three qualities is fully prepared for a successful adulthood.
We believe that a connected, innovative, and authentic education is built on a foundation consisting of six key elements:
- Responsive
- Growth-Focused
- Integrated
- Collaborative
- Forward-Thinking
- Relevant
As educators, we seek to be responsive to student needs. We believe student voice matters and data drives how we instruct to ensure growth. Our students and teachers learn in a collaborative environment that welcomes the global community into our classrooms. We believe in a forward-thinking curriculum that emphasizes questioning and exploring, not memorization. We also believe in a curriculum that provides real-world learning experiences that are directly applicable to student interests and cultural experiences in order to enhance student understanding.